Friday, March 26, 2010

Best Model - Judy Muller

Tokyo, the busiest and costliest city in the world, is home to numerous fashion fads and trends. Japanese women are known to be traditional and conservative, but there are some exceptions, especially those who are young and living in the metropolitan and more fashionable areas of Tokyo. Japanese women’s fashion changed drastically. Japanese young women who live in the famous parts of Tokyo like Harajuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara are known for their wild sense of fashion. If you want to know more, you should read the list about some of the most famous, not to mention wildest, Japanese women’s fashion in this generation.
Lolita. If you see young women who are dressed like cute Victorian dolls in Tokyo, they are the ones who are more popularly known as Lolitas. Just like in Victorian era, Lolitas wear petticoats to increase the volume of their knee-length skirts. Their fashion includes lots of lace, child-like pieces of clothing and accessories like doll shoes, frilly blouses with sailor or Peter Pan collars, cute headdresses with lace, ornately designed and old-fashioned jewelries.

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